“Introducing the EU to the classroom of Tsinghua” 2015-2016 Postgraduate Forum on European Studies

On 19th May, 2016,“Introducing the EU to the classroom of Tsinghua” project successfully held its 2015-2016 Postgraduate Forum. This academic event aims at encouraging students’ interest in researching on the EU or on China-EU relations. This forum also provides students with a platform to present and exchange their research findings.

This postgraduate forum attracted a number of participants, who presented their research on European politics or China-EU relations. Prof. SHI Zhiqin, Prof. ZHANG Lihua, Dr. LAI Suetyi and Dr. SHEN Xiaochen sat at the referee panel, who were also responsible to give detailed comments and recommendations to each research presentation. After all participants presented their work, the final results are as follow:
First prize: WANG Haidong (Master student, Formation of Greek multi-party system)
Second prize: CHEN Nan (Doctoral student, De-terrorism: example of Irish Republican Army)
Third prize (two students): TIAN Yuan (Doctoral student, Europe after terrorist attacks); LIU Hao (Master student, Right-wing extremism in European politics and society)

The four winners were awarded scholarship from the “Introducing the EU to the classroom of Tsinghua” project. This project is chaired by Prof.SHI Zhiqin for academic year 2015-2018. It is part of Jean Monnet Academic Module funded by the European Commission.