
Qi Haixia

Department of International Relations

Tsinghua University

Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100084



Associate professor(with tenure), Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University, 2018-

Associate professor(without tenure), Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University, 2015-2018

Lecturer, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University, 2009-2014

Visiting Scholar, Government and International Relations Department, University of Sydney. 2014.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University, 2007-2009


China’s foreign policy, Conflict resolution and mediation, US-Sino relationship, Big Data International Relations


  Changjiang Young Scholar(教育部青年长江学者), China’s Ministry of Education, 2020-

Young Outstanding Scholar Award (北京高等学校青年英才计划), Beijing, 2013-2015

Academy Award for excellent young scholars (清华大学学术新人奖), Tsinghua University, 2014

Outstanding achievement award of Humanities Research [教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)], China’s Ministry of Education, 2013

Teaching Achievement Award (清华大学教学成果奖2010) , Tsinghua University


Data mining and prediction of Sino-US relations, project of national high think tank Tsinghua University, 2020-2022

Models in international relations research: game and statistics, National Social Science Fund of China, 2019-

“The measurement of China’s relationship with major powers”, China’s Ministry of Education, 2005-2010

“The building of database about China’s foreign policy”, National Social Science Fund of China, 2015-

“Quantitative analysis of international relations”, Tsinghua University, 2014-2016

“Applying big data to evaluate China's diplomacy and security”, China’s Ministry of Education, 2017-


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles in English

1 Qi Haixia“Disputing Chinese Views on Power”, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2017, Vol. 10, No. 2pp. 211–239.

2. Yan Xuetong & Qi Haixia, “Football Game Rather Than Boxing Match: China–US Intensifying Rivalry Does not Amount to Cold War”Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2012,Vol.1, No, 5, pp. 105–127.

3.Qi Haixia“A Comparison of the Effectiveness of International Conflict Mediation Strategies”, Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2007,Vol.1, No.4, pp.589–622.

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles in Chinese

1.Qi Haixia, “Choose the Side or Hedgingthe Stance of China's Partners in the United Nations, Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies,  No.4, 2020.(漆海霞:《选边站还是左右逢源?——论中国伙伴国在联合国的立场》,《当代亚太》,2020年第4期。)

2.Zheng Weiwei, Qi Haixia, “Alliance Institutionalization, Autonomy and the Survival of NATO”, Foreign Affairs Review, No. 5, 2020.(郑维伟、漆海霞:《联盟制度化、 自主性与北约的存续》,《外交评论》,2020年,第5期。)

3.Qi Haixia, “Rising Signal, Strategic credibility and Balancing War,” Quarterly journal of International Politics, No.4, 2020.(漆海霞:《崛起信号、战略信誉与遏制战争》,《国际政治科学》2020年第4期。)

4.Qi Haixia, Zeng Shaoyu, Li Zhao, “legitimacy and Political Identity: the Stability of Tributary Order in the Ming Dynasty,” Strategic Pilicy Studies, No.1, 2019.(漆海霞、曾绍毓、李曌:《合法性与政治认同:明朝朝贡秩序稳定的原因》,《战略决策研究》,2019年第1期。)

5.Qi Haixia, “Approaches to IR Theoretical Innovation,” International Relations Studies, No.4, 2019.(漆海霞:《当前国际关系理论创新的途径》,《国际关系研究》,2019年第4)

6.Qi Haixia, “ Deterrence or Connivance: US military signals and conflicts in Asia”, Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 2018, No.5.(漆海霞:《威慑抑或纵容: 美国对亚太盟国的军事信号与冲突》,《当代亚太》, 2018年第5期。)

7.Qi Haixia, “Big Data and Innovation of International Relations Theory”, Social Science in China, 2018, Vol.6, pp.160-170. ( 漆海霞:《大数据与国际关系研究创新》,《中国社会科学》,2018年第6期,第160-170页。)

8.Qi Haixia & Qi Hao, “Alliance Signals, Audience Costs and Maritime Disputes of China-Japan and China - Philippines”, World Economics and Politics, 2017, Vol.8, pp.106-130.(漆海霞、齐皓:《同盟信号、观众成本与中日、中菲海洋争端》,《世界经济与政治》,2017 年第8 期,第106-130页。)

9.Yang di & Qi haixia, “Foreign Military Intervention in the Context of Ethnic Conflicts”, Quarterly journal of International Politics, 2016, Vol.2, pp.114-146.(杨迪、漆海霞:《族 涉》,《 第1 期,第114-146页。)

10. Qi Haixia: “The End of the Warring States and the Failure of Balance in the Warring States Period.” Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, 2015, Vol.5, pp.4-48. (漆海霞:《战国的终结与制衡的失效———对战国时期合纵连横的反思》,《当代亚太》,2015 年第5期,第4-48页。)

11. Qi Haixia & Zhou Jianren: “America’s Arms Sales and Its Military Arrangement in the Asia Pacific”, Social Science in China, 2015, Vol.5, pp.145-163. (漆海霞、周建仁:《军售与美国亚太地区战略布局》,《中国社会科学》,2015年第5期,第145-163页。)

 12. Yang Di & Qi Haixia, “A Review of Foreign Intervention in Ethnic Conflict Studies”, Quarterly journal of International Politics, 2015, Vol.2, pp.1-30.(杨迪、漆海霞:《外国干涉族群冲突的研究综述》,《国际政治科学》,2015年第2期,第1-30页。)

13. Qi Haixia & Zhang Hongwen: “Mediator Bias and Mediation Effect in International Conflicts,” Journal of International Security Studies, 2015, Vol.4, pp.129-154.(漆海霞、张鸿文:《国际冲突中调停者的偏向与调停效果》,《国际安全研究》,2015年第4期,第129-154页。)

14. Wang Rihua & Qi Haixia, “Analysis of the Interstate Wars in the Spring and Autumn Period,” International Politics Quarterly, 2013, No.1, pp103-120. (王日华、漆海霞:《春秋战国时期国家间战争相关性统计分析》,《国际政治研究》,2013年第1期,第103-120页。)

 15. Qi Haixia, “Quantitative Study of International Mediation History and Strategy: Analysis of the Six Party Talks”, World Economics and Politics, 2010No.6, pp98-117.(漆海霞,《国际调停历史与策略的量化分析——兼析朝核问题六方会谈》,《世界经济与政治》,2010年第6 ,第98-117页。)

16. Qi Haixia, “The Features of United State’s Returning Asia Strategic”, Journal of University of International Relations, 2012, No.6, pp.57-65.(漆海霞,《从军售看美国战略重心东移的布局特征》,《国际关系学院学报》,2012年第6期,第57-65页。)

17.Qi Haixia & Zhang Zuoli, “Abstain or veto - how does China express its opposition in the Council's vote?” World Economics and Politics, 2014, No.6, pp. 101-123. (漆海霞、张佐莉:《弃权还是否决——中国如何在安理会投票中表达反对立场》,《世界经济与政治》,2014年第5期,第101-123页。)

18Chen Ran& Qi Haixia, “Dispute on research  of international organization’s mediation”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, pp. 73-99. (陈然; 漆海霞:《国际组织调停研究的争论与发展》,《国际政治科学》,2014年第1期,第73-99页。)

19. Yan Xuetong & Qi Haixia, “Sino-US Competition Prospects: False Friends rather than A New Cold War”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2012, No. 1, pp.1-23. (阎学通、漆海霞:《中美竞争前景:假朋友而非新冷战》,《国际政治科学》2012 年第1 ,第1—23 页。)

20. Qi Haixia & Chen Ran, “Analysis of the Gender’s  Influence on Military Spending”, World Economics and Politics, 2012, No.5, pp.82-96.(漆海霞、陈然,《试析性别差异对军费开支的影响》,《世界经济与政治》,2012年第5期,第82-96页。)

21. Qi Haixia, “The Trend of Relations Between China and Major PowersStatistical Analysis Based on Data From 1960 to 2009”, Chinese Journal of European Studies, 2012No.4, pp.61-78.(漆海霞,《中国与大国关系的变化趋势探因——基于对1960-2009年数据的统计分析》,《欧洲研究》,2012年第4期, 61-78页。)

22. Qi Haixia, “Analysis of U.S. Arms Sales to Taiwan After 1979”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2012, No.1, pp.36-60.(漆海霞,《试析中美建交后美国对台军售》,《国际政治科学》,2012 年第1期, 36-60页。)

23. Qi Haixia, Zhou Fangyin & Yan Xuetong, “Prospect of Quantitative Analysis”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2011, No.4, pp.110-126.(漆海霞、周方银、阎学通,《定量分析的前景》, 《国际政治科学》,2011年第4期,第110-126页。)

24. Qi Haixia, “Research Methods in the Discipline of International Relations”, Foreign Affairs Review, 2011, No.4, pp.140-154.(漆海霞,《国际关系学科中研究方法的应用分野》,《外交评论》,2011年第4期,第140-154页。)

25. Wang Shujuan & Qi Haixia, “Party differences of American foreign aid after the end of Cold War”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2010, No. 1, 49-67. (王淑娟、漆海霞:《冷战后美国对外援助的党派差异》,《国际政治科学》,2010年第1期,第49-67页。)

26. Qi Haixia, “Time Series Analysis in International Relations Prediction – A Case Study of Sino- France relation”, Chinese Journal of European Studies, 2009, No. 4, pp.20-32.(漆海霞:《时间序列分析在国际关系预测中的应用——以中法关系为例》,《欧洲研究》,2009年第4期, 20-32页。)

27. Qi Haixia, “Sino-US Relations After the U.S. Presidential Election”, Contemporary International Relations, 2008, No.10, p.62. (漆海霞:《美国大选后的中美关系》,《现代国际关系》,2008年第10期,第62页。)

28Qi Haixia, “Sino-Japanese Relations is Expected to Improve in 2007”, Contemporary International Relations, 2007, No.4, p.62. (漆海霞:《2007年中日关系有望持续改善》,载于《现代国际关系》,2007年第4期,第62页。)

29. Qi Haixia, “Forecasting the Trend of Sino-US Relations in 2007 From the Perspective of Party Politics”, Contemporary International Relations, 2007, No.1, p64.(漆海霞:《从两党政治看2007年中美关系走势》,载于《现代国际关系》,2007年第1期,第64页。)

30. Qi Haixia, “International Political Thought in Ancient China: Issues and Lessons”, World Economics and Politics, 2006, No.11, pp.79-80. (漆海霞:《中国古代国际政治思想:问题与借鉴学术研讨会综述》,《世界经济与政治》200611期,第79-80页。)

31. Qi Haixia, “Justice Peace and lasting peace —— Review of from war to peace”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2006, No. 4 , pp.106-114. (漆海霞:《正义和平与持久和平——评〈从战争到和平:国际政治中的重大决策〉》,《国际政治科学》2006年第4期,第106-114页。)

32. Qi Haixia, “Research Methods and China Perspectives”, World Economics and Politics, 2005, No.12, pp.73-76. (漆海霞:《研究方法与中国视角学术研讨会综述》,《世界经济与政治》2005年第12期,第73-76页。)

33. Qi Haixia, “The success and failure of international mediation”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2005, No. 4, pp.24-51. (漆海霞:《国际斡旋的成败分析》,《国际政治科学》2005年第4期,第24-51页。)

34. Qi Haixia, “Party and the arms race: Economic Analysis of USAUSSR arms race”, World Economics and Politics2005, No. 1, pp.38-43. (漆海霞:《政党与军备竞赛——美苏军备竞赛的经济学分析》,《世界经济与政治》2005年第1期,第38-43页。)


1.Associate Edtior, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2021-

2.Executive Editor-in-chief, Quarterly journal of International Politics (《国际政治科学》), 2015–2018.

3. Member, Economic Committee of the China’s League of Nationalities


Deputy Dean, Institute of International Relations, Tsinghua University,2018-

Director, Center for Asia-Pacific Security Studies, Tsinghua University, 2014-

Scientific Committee Chairmen, International Relations Data & Computing lab, Tsinghua University, 2020-