
Li Bin was born in Wuhan City , Beijing , China on May 26, 1963. In 1981, he entered the Department of Technical Physics, Peking University as an undergraduate student. Li Bin received his Bachelor Degree in Physics in 1985 and became a graduate student in the same department. In 1988, he received his Master Degree and joined the Faculty of Theoretical Nuclear Physics of the same department in Peking University . In 1990, Li Bin entered the Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) as a Ph.D. student. His doctoral thesis was on the control of powerful laser weapons for missile defense and anti-satellites. In his doctoral thesis he studied the strategic consequences of deploying powerful laser weapons, the physical features of clandestine development of such weapons, and the verification of the constraints over such weapons.


From 1991-1993, Li Bin did his internship at the Department of Foreign Affairs on the Committee of Science and Technology for National Defense (COSTIND) as an arms control assistant. In 1993, Li Bin received his Doctorate in Physics from CAEP and joined the Program for Science and National Security Studies (PSNSS) at the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IPACM). He was a member of the technical group under COSTIND supporting the Chinese negotiation team on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). In 1994, Dr. Li received a Post-doctoral Fellowship on Peace and Security in a Changing World awarded by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC)/MacArthur Foundation. He spent his first fellowship year in 1994-1995 at the Defense and Arms Control Studies Program (now called Security Studies Program) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receiving training in international relations and conducting research on missile proliferation and missile defense. He then moved to the Center for Energy and Environmental Studies of Princeton University to spend his second fellowship year working on CTBT issues. In 1996, Dr. Li went back to IAPCM. He was appointed as the Director of a newly established group, the Arms Control Division and the Executive Director of PSNSS. Dr. Li joined the CTBT negotiations as a technical advisor to the Chinese negotiation team in 1996. At IAPCM, Dr. Li studied CTBT verification technologies, organized research on nuclear disarmament, arms control databases, and consulted the government on CTBT implementation and on technical arms control research. In 1999, Dr. Li left IAPCM to establish the Institute of Science and Public Affairs based at China Youth College for Political Science. At this institute, he studied the impact of US missile defense on China and possible Chinese responses.


Dr. Li moved to the Institute of International Studies , School of Social Sciences , Tsinghua University at the end of 2000. At the institute, he directs the Arms Control Program. In 2002, he was promoted as full professor. At Tsinghua University , Prof. Li teaches four courses (1) Arms Control and International Security (for graduate students); (2) Quantitative Analysis in International Politics (for graduate students); (3) Science, Technology and International Security (for undergraduate students); and (4) strategic weapons and their control (freshmen seminar). Besides courses, Prof. Li also organizes public lectures and summer school courses open to the public at Tsinghua University to promote arms control education. In 2001-2002, he was invited as a civil society representative to prepare the United Nation's Study on Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education. Prof. Li supervises master degree and Ph.D. students at the Arms Control Program on various arms control and nonproliferation issues.


Prof. Li's current research includes Sino-US relations in the areas of nuclear weapons, China 's arms control policy and non-proliferation export control. He has published papers in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists , Arms Control Today , Jane's Intelligence Review , Science and Global Security and other international and Chinese journals. He has also contributed to four books: Nuclear Turning Point (Brookings Institution Press), Transparency in Nuclear Warheads and Materials (Oxford University Press), Security Cooperation in East Asia (Peking University Press), Comparative Studies on China C US National Interests (Shishi Press). Professor Li has also spoken at various international conferences. He has published two books, Theories and Analysis in Arms Control and Strategy and Security C A Technical View . In 2002, Prof. Li Bin was elected by the students as one of the twenty Best Professors at Tsinghua University and was recently awarded by the Chinese Ministry of Education as Talent in the New Century.


Prof. Li is member of the Degree Committee at the School of Social Sciences , Tsinghua University . He is also member of the board of directors of two non-governmental organizations: China Arms Control and Disarmament Association and China-US People's Friendship Association (CUPFA). He is on the boards of three international journals: Science and Global Security , Nonproliferation Review , and China Security .