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清华大学,国际关系学系 教授     201210 至今

教育部 学者青年学者   20214

国际粮食政策研究院International Food Policy Research Institute 华盛顿, 美国



纽约社会研究新学院 (New School for Social Research), 美国 20051 – 20115


专业方向: 政治哲学, 伦理学, 古希腊哲学, 德国哲学, 比较哲学

博士论文: 哲学的政治责任与政治实践

弗莱堡大学(University of Freiburg), 德国    200210 – 20046


图宾根大学(University of Tubingen), 德国    199910 – 20029


辅修: 历史, 古希腊语

复旦大学 19939 – 19977

国际企业管理系, 学士















中非经济外交及其对全球产业链的启示 世界知识出版社,北京   2014/9

Coevolutionary Pragmatism: Approaches and Impacts of China-Africa Economic Cooperation 剑桥大学出版社 英国        2020


Chinese Economic and Trade Cooperation Zones in Africa”,in The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development, Chapter 48pp. 950-966, Oxford, UK,

July 2020

“Coevolutionary Pragmatism: Re-examine “China Model” and its impact on the developing countries”, Journal of Contemporary China, 29:126, 853-870DOI:10.1080/10670564.2020.1744381

March 2020

从政府推动走向市场主导:海外产业园区的可持续发展路径”, 与唐溪源合著 外交评论2019年第6期,中国,北京,39-61页,    201911

Time Perception and Industrialization: Divergence and Convergence of Work Ethics in Chinese Enterprises in Africa”, with Janet Eom, China Quarterly, 238(2019), 461–481, Cambridge, UK, https://doi.org/10.1017/S030574101800142X June 2019

“What Kinds of Chinese ‘Geese’ Are Flying to Africa? Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms”, with Deborah Brautigam and Ying Xia, Journal of African Economies, Volume 27, Issue suppl_1, Pages i29–i51, https://doi.org/10.1093/jae/ejy013

August 2018

Geese Flying to Ghana? A Case Study of the Impact of Chinese Investments on Africa’s Manufacturing Sector”Journal of Contemporary China (2018) 27:114, 924-941, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2018.1488106.  July 2018

“Latent advantage, complex challenges: Industrial policy and Chinese linkages in Ethiopia's leather sector”, with Deborah Brautigam and ToniWeis, China Economic Review, 48 (2018) 158–169, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2016.06.006 April 2018

中日在东南亚战略竞争效果评估——基于缅甸的案例研究”, 与姚颖合著

国际政治科学2017年 第二卷第三期, 中国,北京 147-173页, 20179

“Does Chinese Employment Benefit Africans? Investigating Chinese Enterprises and their Operations in Africa”, African Studies Quarterly | Volume 16, Issue 3-4, pp.107-128, http://www.africa.ufl.edu/asq/v16/v16i3-4a8.pdf   December 2016

“Social Responsibility or Development Responsibility? What is the Environmental Impact of Chinese Investments in Africa: What are its Drivers, and What are the Possibilities for Action?”, with Irene Yuan Sun, Cornell International Law Journal, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp.69-99,

May 2016

中国海外投资与投资监管:以中国对非投资为例”,与熊星翰合著,外交评论2015年第3期,中国,北京,26-45页,    20155

“Going Global in Groups: China’s Special Economic Zones Overseas”. With Deborah Brautigam,World Development,Vol. 63, pp.78-91,  November 2014

“Models of Chinese Engagement in Africa’s Extractive Sectors and Their Implications”, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 56:2, London, UK pp. 27-30,  

February 2014

中国对非洲农业援助形式的演变及其效果”, 世界经济与政治2013年第5期,中国,北京,4-18页,    20135

Economic statecraft in China’s new overseas special economic zones: soft power, business or resource security? With Deborah Brautigam, International Affairs 88: 4, Oxford, UK, pp. 799-816, July 2012

African Shenzhen: China’s Special Economic Zones in Africa”, with Deborah Brautigam, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol 49 No. 1, pp 27-54 January 2011

在非洲的经贸合作区发展浅析”, 西亚非洲, 国社会科学研究院, 北京, 17-22,


-安哥拉经济合作新模式的影响挑战, 西亚非洲, 国社会科学研究院, 北京, 55-61 20107

“Bulldozer or Locomotive – the impact of Chinese enterprises on the local employment market in Angola”, Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol 45 No. 3, pp. 350-368, Boston, USA, June 2010

China’s Engagement in African Agriculture, with Deborah Brautigam, China Quarterly, Vol 199, Cambridge, UK, pp. 686-706 September 2009


Africa’s economic transformation: the role of Chinese investmentSynthesis Report, Overseas Development Institute, London, UK, with Linda Calabrese June 2020

NEW STRUCTURAL ECONOMICSLaying the groundwork for theoretical reflection

on China–Africa engagement” in New Directions in Africa–China Studies; edited by Chris Alden and Daniel Large, Routledge, London, UK, pp.290-297 April 2018

“China’s Special Economic Zones: Best Practices for Industrial Cooperation between China and Africa”, in Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Industrialisation & Agricultural Modernisation; edited by Funeka Yazini April et al., Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, pp. 14-29. 2018

Discussion Paper “Chinese investment in Ghana’s manufacturing sector”, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), No. 01628, Washington DC, USA March 2017

“China’s and India’s Economic Engagement in Africa: Similar Patterns, Different Dynamics”, China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 239–257,2016/2, DOI: 10.1142/S2377740016500135with Mao Keji

“Learning from China?: Manufacturing, investment, and technology transfer in Nigeria”, IFPRI Discussion Paper 01565, October 2016, https://www.ifpri.org/publication/learning-china-manufacturing-investment-and-technology-transfer-nigeria, with Yunnan Chen, Irene Yuan Sun, Rex Uzonna Ukaejiofo, Deborah Brautigam.

“2016年盘点:反全球化来势汹汹,实际措施难见成效”, 光明网-理论频道, 2016-11-29, http://theory.gmw.cn/2016-11/29/content_23136988.htm

“劳资关系问题影响中非外交大局”,非洲研究 2015年第1 浙江师范大学非洲研究院院刊 20159

“Assessing the Impact of Chinese Investment on Southeast Africa’s Cotton: Moving up the Value Chain?”, The SAIS CHINA AFRICA RESEARCH INITIATIVE Policy Brief, No. 6,


非洲迎来中国投资热潮”,《凤凰周刊2015年第1 2015015

“中非经济外交:蜕变与转型”《凤凰周刊》2015年第2期, 20150115

“中国棉纺业如何影响非洲”,中国新闻周刊2014年第33期   20149

Investissements chinois dans l’industrie textile tanzanienne et zambienne”,Afrique Contemporaine, Vol 250 pp.119-136 (法语)   2014

“Coopération agricole chinoise en Afrique subsaharienne”, Jean-Jacques Gabas合著Perspective :Stratégies de Dévelopment, No. 26 20142

评论 “如何规避海外‘环境雷区’”,财经国家周刊,北京 201310

书评:“伊恩·泰勒,中国在非洲的新角色”,中国政治科学,荷兰 20131

(Book Review on “Ian Taylor, China’s New Role in Africa”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, Springer Netherlands)

论文“中国在坦桑尼亚农业和农村的活动概览”,与博黛蓉合著,国际粮食政策研究院,论文编号 01214,华盛顿,美国   201210

(Discussion Paper “An Overview of Chinese Agricultural and Rural Engagement in Tanzania”, with Deborah Brautigarm, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), No. 01214, Washington DC, USA)

论文“中国在埃塞俄比亚农业和农村的活动概览”,与博黛蓉合著,国际粮食政策研究院,论文编号 01185,华盛顿,美国  20125

(Discussion Paper “An Overview of Chinese Agricultural and Rural Engagement in Ethiopia”, with Deborah Brautigarm, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), No. 01185, Washington DC, USA)

文化冲突视野中的懒惰与勤奋”—中企在非洲的雇佣情况,文化纵横,北京,47-49 20118

中印纺织企业的数字化技术进化与改造的一个比较研究第五届国际技术管理研讨会会刊,杭州, 354-361     20076

(“Digitalization of the Textile Industries in China and India – a comparative study of technology evolution and adaptation”, in Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Management of Technology)


The Impact of Asian Investment on Africa’s Textile Industries, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy (http://carnegietsinghua.org/publications/?fa=56320) August 2014

China’s Investment in African Special Economic Zones, with Deborah Brautigam, International Trade Department, the World Bank, Washington D.C. December 2009

Iraq History Project and Current Violations Initiative in Iraq, Contributor and Chinese Translation, International Human Rights Law Institute, Depaul University, Chicago, USA  

February 2009


“中国在非洲经济特区中的投资”,与博黛蓉合著,经济特区:进展,新挑战和未来方向,世界银行,美国,华盛顿,69-100页, 2011

(“China’s Investment in Africa’s Special Economic Zones”, with Deborah Brautigarm, in Thomas Farole and Gokhan Akinci, eds, Special Economic Zones: Progress, Emerging Challenges, and Future Directions The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA)

帝国,民族,国家和市场中国的复杂身份及其对地区政治的影响”, 大中国在全球化时代,,罗曼与利特菲德出版社,美国,纽约, 51-75, 200910

(“Empire, Nation, State and Marketplace: China’s identity complex and its implication to regional politics” in Greater China in an Era of Globalization, Rowman & Littlefield, New York, USA)  


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